Sunday, January 07, 2007

Clear and Present Danger

"They go on in strange paradox, decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all powerful to be impotent. The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to a close. In its place, we are entering a period of consequences."

Winston Churchill


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Entering? we entered it a long time ago.

11:40 PM  
Blogger rouba said...

i see it as the period of consequences of consequences.
which is history, really (seems to be popping up everywhere, history)on another note, i'm cold and cold and coooooold

10:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

so true

2:18 PM  
Blogger gitanes legeres said...

and still all powerful to be impotent..

10:22 PM  

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