Monday, November 27, 2006

The Myth of One

How many flags represent yours?


Blogger Laila K said...


8:42 PM  
Blogger Maya@NYC said...

lek wen el orange?????
el batrak should design one also!!might as well! so involved!

11:28 PM  
Blogger Paul said...

mniha Mr.N!
C'mon Maya, el batrak is not that involved. In fact he has been very reasonable. He should be more involved, in a way. Too bad el batrak remains a batrak, after all.

11:33 PM  
Blogger rouba said...

paul why do you want the batrak more involved? did i miss smthg here?
n, as that girl mentioned, i have no hope as long as this crazy schizophrenia in the name of religion/land continues

11:51 PM  
Blogger Mr. N. said...

As long as "other" cleriks are involved then it is only fair game. The other option is of course death to all.

5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow mr. no inta shu deenak yikhrib beitak everyone one or ur posts is more effective than the one before it!

7:07 AM  
Blogger Mr. N. said...

I suppose I should say thanks to you izzi, however,
does it really matter?

5:05 PM  
Blogger Zee said...

borders, borders, borders ... let's get rid pf them

4:44 PM  

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