Monday, November 13, 2006


"LONDON, England (Reuters) -- British Prime Minister Tony Blair and President George Bush challenged Iran and Syria on Monday 11/13/2006 to help stabilize Iraq or face isolation as Washington and London review their strategy in Iraq."

I'm confused...
Are these guys for real?

"Despite the resignations of the five Shiites -- two Hezbollah and three Amal ministers -- Siniora's cabinet still has 19 ministers, enough for the two-thirds majority required for the cabinet to act."

If they are not guilty, then why the big fuss?


Blogger Maya@NYC said...

it seems to me too that there is a changing tone, as the policy in iraq is changing. syria is again getting ready for playing with the big guys.... as long as it is not in lebanon...

7:22 AM  
Blogger Mr. N. said...

It will play with the big guys so it can have free reign in Lebanon and our idiots are too stupid to notice or care do make the necessary changes to prevent this...We cannot sit back and accept this as ok? or "oh it is just the nature of our part of the world!"

10:28 AM  
Blogger Maya@NYC said...

so disappointing... how one year after our independence we are still fighting like school boys on a playground... and the country is sinking... uuuuuuuuf!

3:42 PM  
Blogger Mr. N. said...

"...This country is a country of minorities, and no one single group can take the country wherever it needs..."

The Lebanese Prime Minister said this today and I agree with this fully. What do you think?

4:05 PM  
Blogger R.Zee. said...

Amen to that. May the best man win.

6:34 PM  

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