Thursday, November 23, 2006

Super Men

"...In Lebanon, it seems that there are no followers. They all wish to be leaders..."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haram lebanon... it is so sad what is happening... Superman returns was a surprisingly deep movie i didnt expect it to be so dark, i'm glad i gave it a chance!

4:17 PM  
Blogger Krys said...

Comparing our "mighty lebanese" leaders to Superman is so degrading for the "mythe" SUPERMAN.
I don't beleive in any of them but I do beleive in Superman and just like Homer Simpsons says "I am not normally a praying woman, but if you're up there please save us Superman" "

Nice Blog :)

6:30 AM  
Blogger Mr. N. said...

Krys, I wouldn't be so bold and call them mighty. Far from it. They are warlords.

4:25 PM  
Blogger Zee said...

while all the "leaders" try to be ominous, the people don't know anymore whom to follow ...

that's how I understood this.

5:38 PM  

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